Watch for PK unit breakdowns in any area. Notes: Encourage the PP unit to get creative to free themselves up. For example, referring to diagram 2, if F2 sees RD1 cheat towards F1, F2 skates hard to the net and looks for a pass from F1, creating another 2 on 1 in the low slot between F2-F3 and LD1.Ĥ) In a different example, referring to diagram 3, if RD1 commits to cutting off the F1-F2 pass, F2 skates hard to the slot and looks for a pass from F2, creating another 2 on 1 in the low slot between F1-F3 and LD1.
F1 and F2 can freely move the puck back and forth, as RD1 cannot commit to cutting off the pass without allowing either F1 or F2 (or both) a clear path to the net.ģ) The 2 on 1 is initiated by the man without the puck. The goal is to pull one penalty kill player out of position to give a power play forward a close shot on net.Ģ) In this set up F1 and F2 will control the play. Descriptionġ) The purpose of an overload is to force odd man mismatches near the net. This drill was created using 's Online Drill Drawing & Practice Planning Platform.